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2019年9月24日牛津大学Richard G.Compton教授学术报告会

通讯员:  发布时间:2019-09-23  浏览量:

报告题目:Electrochemical Studies of Nanoparticles

报告人:Richard G. Compton(牛津大学University of Oxford)

报告时间:2019年9月24日 上午10:00



报告人简介:Richard G Compton,英国牛津大学教授,英国皇家化学学会、国际理论和应用化学联合会(IUPAC)和国际电化学学会会士,欧洲科学院院士,是爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版的《电化学通讯》(Electrochemistry Communications)杂志的创刊编辑兼总编,也是《电化学最新观点》(Current Opinion in Electrochemistry)杂志2017年创刊联合主编。1980年于伦敦帝国理工学院获得博士学位,其研究工作主要集中于基础电化学、应用电化学以及包括纳米化学在内的电化学分析方面,基于Compton课题组专利的Senova pHit扫描仪是世界上第一台无校准pH值计,并于2013年3月在匹兹堡展会(PITTCON)上获得了“最佳新产品”奖。现已发表论文1500余篇,专著7本,h指数102,文章总引用次数超过43000次。已申请专利25项,包括新型pH传感器、气体传感和检测食品中的大蒜强度和辣椒热度的方法等。

报告摘要:First the analytical need for nanoparticle detection will be introduced and electrochemical studies of nanoparticles shown to allow for and electrochemical studies on suspensions of nanoparticles shown to allow the detection and characterisation of diverse nanoparticles at the single entity level. For electroactive nanoparticles such as those of silver, Ag, or iron oxide, Fe3O4, quantification of the charge associated with single collisional impacts, allows the sizing of the particles in the range from ca 100 nm down to less than 5 nm. The frequency of impact events permits particle concentrations to be estimated and the potential dependence indicates the chemical nature of the impact particles.

In many cases the electrochemistry reveals agglomeration or aggregation of the particles and since the monomers and agglomerated diffuse at different speeds the kinetics of de-agglomeration can be inferred in cases such as that of uncapped Bi2O3 particles where the electrochemical signals are dominated by the monomer signal whilst independent evidence shows significant agglomeration in bulk solution. A model for the extent of agglomeration will be discussed.

Second the extension to the study, at the single entity, will; be described in terms of the detection of bacteria, red blood cells, the doping of particles of solids and polymers and in nano-droplets will be reported.

Finally the possible nano-toxicity of silver will be discussed.