2019年6月17日弗吉尼亚理工大学Guoliang Liu教授学术报告会
通讯员: 发布时间:2019-06-13 浏览量:次
题 目:Block Copolymer-based Porous Carbon Fibers and Plasmonic Polymer Nanocomposites
报告人:Prof. Guoliang (Greg) Liu
时 间:2019年6月17日(下午 3:00~ )
地 点:登高路曾宪梓楼负一楼报告厅
Dr. Liu is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and affiliated professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Virginia Tech. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University and his doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (advisor, Dr. Paul F. Nealey). Then, he conducted postdoctoral research at Northwestern University (advisor, Dr. Chad A. Mirkin). His research is to design, synthesize, and utilize polymers and nanoparticles to create nanocomposites and nanostructures for addressing challenges in energy, catalysis, and environmental science and engineering.
Liu has published more than 60 journal articles in Nat Comm, PNAS, JACS, et. al, and holds 15 issued patents assigned to SABIC, Western Digital R, Intel R , and Waves Audio (Israel).He has been named an Inventor of the Month at Virginia Tech (2017/07). Liu is a recent recipient of the ICTAS Junior Faculty Award, NSF CAREER award, Air Force Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award, ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) award, ACS PMSE Young Investigator award, and Macromolecular Rapid Communications Young Talent.