2016年6月8日Dr. Sheng Dai: Tailoring mesoporous carbons and related materials for energy applications
通讯员: 发布时间:2018-06-06 浏览量:次
题 目:Tailoring mesoporous carbons and related materials for energy applications
报告人:Dr. Sheng Dai
时 间:2018年6月8日(上午10:30~)
地 点:新化工楼D区报告厅

Dr. Sheng Dai :obtained his B.S. degree (1984) and M.S. degree (1986) in Chemistry at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China and his Ph.D. (1990) in Chemistry at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is currently a group leader at Chemical Sciences Division, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). His current research interests include porous materials, ionic liquids, functional materials, and their applications for separation sciences and energy storage as well as catalysis by nanomaterials. He has published more than 700 peer-review papers and received 32 patents. His papers have been cited more than 34,000 times (h index of 92 based on Web of Science as of May 28, 2018). Because of his outstanding research achievements, he was named a UT-Battelle Corporate Fellow in 2011, the highest designation a researcher can receive at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Between 2010-2017, he has served as a National Technical Lead for the U.S. DOE Office of Nuclear Energy for the Fuel Resource Campaign on development of advanced adsorbents for extraction of uranium from seawater involving 29 research scientists and ~40 postdocs/students at 20 institutions and national labs. Currently, he serves as a Director for an Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) for Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures and Transport (FIRST), which is funded by the US Department of Energy Office of Science, involves 2 National Labs and 8 different universities, and is aimed at the development of the next generation of supercapacitor energy-storage materials including mesoporous materials. He was included in the 2015 Thompson-Reuters list of the world’s most influential chemists and 2016 List of Most Cited Researchers in Materials Science and Engineering by Elsevier Scopus Data.